Affiliations: | Health and Nature Research Leadership |
Project Leader: | Tyler Prochnow, Ph.D. Health Behavior |
Meeting Times:
Team Size:
Open Spots: | 5 |
Special Opportunities:
Learning data collection tools including social network analysis and ecological momentary assessment. Co-authorship on presentations and publications possible. Exceptional students may be asked to become full members of lab.
Team Needs:
Must be available in BCS during summer for data collection. Data collection will be done in the community. |
The SPACES Study: Social and Physical Activity Contexts in the Environment in Summer is a groundbreaking research project led by Dr. Tyler Prochnow at Texas A&M University, in partnership with the Bryan Independent School District (BISD) and College Station ISD (CSISD). This study aims to uncover the complex interplay between social networks, built environments, and physical activity among youth during the summer months. This project will involve surveying youth in the summer across multiple weeks. |