Affiliations: | |
Project Leader: | Jyothis James Philosophy |
Faculty Mentor: | Jaima, Amir PhD; Howard, Nathan PhD; Brady, Emily PhD |
Meeting Times:
Team Size:
Open Spots: | 4 |
Special Opportunities:
I expect students to be able to investigate a project that will be either presented at a conference or sent in for publication.
Team Needs:
I need people who can organize tiktoks, Instagram handles, and other social media information somehow with excel. I will need help from people familiar with programming and computer science to figure out organizing the visual data. |
With the expanse of European fashion globally, there has been a trend to eschew traditional textile practices in favor of changing preferences. Consequently, specific color palettes generated for a European (white) clientele get exported with the templates. This trend is especially true in menswear, where they privilege a dark palette for formal wear. However, if one looks at the textile tradition of the heavily melanated world from Oceania, Black Africa, India to Mesoamerica, there has been a rich textile tradition and embracing colors that accentuate their skin. This project requires digging deep into the visual history of dark/black-skinned peoples and see if different cultures have a common understanding of what suits black/dark skin. I am especially looking for social media savvy people, graphic designers, and computer scientists to help. |